General Enrollment Information

Beehive Academy serves students in Kindergarten through 12th grades with a maximum class size of 25 students in elementary and 27 students in secondary. Beehive is an open-enrollment public charter school, open to all eligible students on a space-availability basis and does not discriminate in its admissions policies or practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, age, religion, ancestry, or athletic performance. Please read the Enrollment Policy for more information.

All parents interested in enrolling a new student at BSTA must go through the lottery process explained below. Once selected through the lottery,  complete an online application and submit the required documents to the school front office. The first preference in admissions is given to currently enrolled students. Second preference is given to children of founding members and staff of the school. Third preference is given to siblings of students already enrolled in the school. The remaining spaces will be filled by open-enrollment applicants.

If you are looking for information on how to re-enroll your current Beehive Academy student, please go the last section on this page titled “Re-enrollment Information for Current Students“.

  • Re-enrollment period: November 14 – December 13, 2024
  • Open Enrollment period: December 13, 2024-February 12, 2025
  • Upcoming Open House Presentation Days: December 13th, January 11th, January 24th, February 1st and February 7th
  • Lottery Day: Thursday, February 13, 2025
The following sections will be offered for the 2025-26 School Year
Kindergarten: 3 sections (Free full-day Kindergarten)
6th and 7th grades: 3 sections each
1st grade: 3 sections
8th Grade: 4 sections
2nd and 3rd grades: 3 sections each
9th and 10th Grade: 2 sections each
4th and 5th grade: 3 sections each
11th and 12th Grade: 2 sections each

*Kindergarten students have to be 5 by September 2nd, 2025. The latest birth date accepted is 09/02/2020.



STEP 1: Apply to the lottery. Follow the link below to create an account on Lotterease. Fill out the information for your child who will be new to Beehive. If you have more than one child, register them separately. under the same parent account. Select a Lottery for 2025-2026 school year for your child and submit.
On Thursday, February 13th, 2025, the lottery will be run and you will be sent an automated email with more information.


STEP 2:  After the lottery is run on Thursday, February 13th, 2025, you will receive an email with further instructions depending on whether your student is selected or waitlisted. If your student is selected, you will be asked to confirm or decline the selection within 4 days. Once you confirm, you will be asked to complete an online registration on Infinite Campus and provide documentation like the birth certificate, address verification, etc.


STEP 3: After you complete all registration and documentation requirements, you will be sent more information about creating your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. If your student is in 6th grade or up, you will be asked to pay the consumable material fee of $170. If you would like to apply for a fee waiver, please contact the front office.

Lotterease Seal




– Parents, if you currently have any students attending Beehive Academy, make sure to select “Enrolled Sibling” under Application Preference Group and enter your current Beehive student’s name. This will prioritize your new student in the lottery.
– Parents, if you are entering more than one child into the lottery, make sure to have them under the same parent accountIf one child is selected in the lottery and you confirm attendance, your second child will be prioritized in the lottery waitlist.
– Parents, make sure to enter the correct email address and phone number so that we can reach you.

Disclaimer for Parents: Please be advised that if you falsify any information during registration or enrollment, your child’s application will be null and void, and admittance will be revoked. Any applications found to be falsified will be placed at the bottom of the waitlist. Info about Lotterease: Parents, please be advised that we will be using a third-party system, Lotterease, to run our enrollment lottery for transparency and fairness. Since Lotterease is an independent system, the school staff do not have the ability to manipulate or adjust the lottery outcome. In addition, all activity that takes place with your application is tracked in a history log that you can view at any time by logging into the parent portal. After you create your parent account and apply for the lottery, you will receive emails from that an account has been created for you and your child(ren) and that they were entered into the lottery. You will be able to login to your account and use it in future years.

NOTE: Please be sure to add as an email contact to ensure that important emails do not go to spam. Beehive Science and Technology Academy is not responsible for emails or deadlines that are missed.

Lottery Results: After the lottery is run on Thursday, February 13th, 2025, you will receive an email and a text message if your child was selected, and an email if your child was waitlisted.

Parents planning to re-enroll current students for the 2025-2026 school year, please check your email about instructions on how to complete the re-enrollment application on Infinite Campus or follow the instructions below. – Go to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account on a computer or tablet. (If you don’t have a parent account yet, please contact the front office) – Click on More and then on Reenrollment Application. – Then, click on Start at 25-26 Existing Student Registration and follow the instructions until you hit Submit.   – This process will secure a seat for your current Beehive student(s) for the 2025-2026 school year. THE RE-ENROLLMENT APPLICATIONS are due NOVEMBER 26th, 2024. 

If you need to transfer your student from Beehive Academy, please fill out the Withdrawal Form.

BSTA Lottery Procedure
BSTA Enrollment Policy
BSTA Fees and Fee Waiver Policy

Mission Statement

At Beehive, students of diverse cultures achieve academic excellence and personal skills in a challenging and innovative STEM environment to become contributing global citizens.

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