Mathmatters Contest 2022
November 12, 2022 at 10 a.m.
Click below for Mathmatters 2022 results, sorted by student ID numbers and rankings. Please check the previous confirmation email to reach your student’s ID number. For questions, please contact
Welcome to our 15th annual MathMatters Contest registration page. The primary goals of the contest are to stimulate interest and achievement in mathematics among elementary school students and to provide recognition of outstanding young mathematicians, their dedicated teachers, and their schools. This is the 15th year we have been organizing MathMatters for 5th and 6th graders. This is the 2nd year, we are adding 4th graders to Mathmatters. We will have separate tests for 4th, 5th and 6th graders so that students are competing with the same grade level of contestants. Each group will receive 30 questions and will have 40 minutes to answer them. All participants will receive a participation certificate and the top ten students will receive awards. The following awards will be given to the top three students in each grade level. Awards* 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Grade Students Sphero Bolt Coding Robot Sphero Mini Activity Kit 3Doodler Start 3D Pen Kit 5th Grade Students Sphero Bolt Coding Robot Sphero Mini Activity Kit 3Doodler Start 3D Pen Kit 6th Grade Students DJI Tello Drone Kit Sphero Mini Activity Kit 3Doodler Start 3D Pen Kit For their teachers $100 Amazon Gift Card $75 Amazon Gift Card $50 Amazon Gift Card *Teachers/coaches do not have to be present to receive the gift certificate. If multiple students of the same teacher reach the top three, the teacher will only receive the highest gift certificate. The contest will be held on Saturday, November 12th, 2022 at 10 a.m. at the new campus of Beehive Science and Technology Academy (2165 E. 9400 S. in Sandy), Mathmatters is open to all fourth, fifth and sixth grade students in Utah and is limited to the first 300 registrants. Participation is free. Registration is required and is due November 2nd, 2022. Registration may be closed earlier if all spots are filled. Please register by clicking the following link:
Test Format and Rules
Students will have 30 multiple choice problems to solve in 40 minutes.
Each problem is worth 1 point, except for the last 5, which will be 2 points each.
Students must fill in the circles on the answer sheet to be scored. No points will be given to answers on the test booklet.
Separate tests will be given to 4th, 5th and 6th graders.
Students will not be allowed to use calculators.
Students can keep the test booklet after the contest.
Teachers/coaches do not need to be present during the award ceremony to receive the gift card if their student ranks in the top three.
A teacher/coach will receive the highest prize only if multiple of his/her students are ranked in the top three.
Each top prize goes to exactly one contestant. In the case of ties, the following rules apply:
The student who has fewer mistakes overall will be ranked above the other.
If there is still a tie, the answers to the last five questions will be checked. Whoever has the most correct answers will be ranked higher.
If there is still a tie, the younger student will be ranked above the other.
If there is still a tie, then the ranking will be determined by drawing lots.
Please download sample tests below.
4th Grade Sample Test-Mathmatters
5th Grade Sample Test-Mathmatters 6th Grade Sample Test-Mathmatters Teachers, you may also download a flyer about the contest to hand out to your students or display in your classroom. Feel free to contact us at with any questions.